"Cher, I don't want to do this anymore. And my buns: they don't feel nothin' like steel."
Tai. Clueless
Help me ladies, I'm ten seconds away from throwing a paper bag over my head and never leaving my side of the room again (throws herself on pillow dramatically) : (
I have a dilemma.
I've always been proud of my body. Walk around in my underwear proud. It's not that my body is banging; I just believe in embracing the body you were born with. So I never had a desire to be Victoria Secret model thin; I don't mind being between a size eight and ten and I don't mind the fact that my thighs touch when I walk.
So exercising is something I just can't get motivated to do. I know I should but I eat pretty healthy (vegan) and I walk 20 mins a day to and from the subway station. It's not cardio but it's something. Needless to say, I've been pretty comfortable with my body.
That was before Spring came, I got rid of my layers and looked at what was underneath them.
Everything. On. Me. Jiggles. EVERYTHING. It's like I woke up one morning and became the Jello Lady. Have I always been this flabby? If yes, why didn't anyone tell me?!?
I don't mind being on the curvy side but I do mind being unhealthy. And this can't be healthy can it?
So I need help! How do I turn my flab into muscle without my breasts turning into pecs?
I can't afford to hit the gym but I have some dvds at home that I can blow the dust off of...
Should I start jumping rope?
What do you guys do to stay in shape?