It's been a long time since I've written a frivolity post. It's been so hard not commenting on the lives of people I'll never meet; I have no idea how I've been coping to be honest. But what matters is I'm here now. Let's begin.
- Word on the street is Lindsay Lohan will be stripping for Playboy very soon. Cuz that'll breathe new life into her career.
Seriously though, leave a comment if you're surprised by this news. And click here for your dose of Hot Mess Lohan snark, courtesy of Gawker's regulars. - Emma Stone (who landed Lohan's career) allegedly says she hates it when actors censor themselves because they're not authentic on screen or something. Love her, but she really should censor herself (ha) and not comment on the problems with other actors. It kinda makes her come off as a tool. She's 22 and enjoying the benefits of being an "it" girl in Hollywood right now. Let's see how she feels when she's 42 and all that enthusiasm starts to dry up along with the roles.
- Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderamma (who used to date an underage Lohan) have reunited and it feels so gooood. For them anyway. I don't really care either way.
- Speaking of celebs we assume are a couple because they made out (like you've never kissed someone for the hell of it), Scarlett Johansson (who has this and this connection to Lohan) is now being linked to Joseph Gordon-Levitt. They were spotted kissing and being affectionate in NYC recently by someone with a big mouth.
I'm going to out myself as a stan and just say NO ONE WILL EVER BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM. But I'm not upset or anything. - If the Kardashians (who are cool with the Lohans) trademarking "Kardashian Kollection Home" is any indication, we're all in for more fun. I'm talking linens and candles and plates. This is super exciting news.
- You wanna read a stupid post about the best celeb bodies? Here you go (Lohan's not on the list).
- Reports are claiming Jennifer Hudson (I've got nothing on the Lohan front here) and David "Punk" Otunga (the lawyer turned pro-wrestler of I Love New York fame) are no longer engaged. Bummer if this is true; they have a kid together.
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