So I’m on Nylon.com Saturday morning and a quote from one of my favorite movies catches my eye. What’s this? Record Store Day? Well, hot damn; where is it happening and why aren’t I there? I quickly go to the Record Store Day website praying that Central Florida didn’t screw me over by not participating in this awesome event. Thank you Orlando, for not ruining my Saturday! I call my friend Brandon and we head out for some record store hopping. Unfortunately, most of the stores didn’t have much going on but kudos to Park Ave CDs for making up for the lack of festivities everywhere else. Good times were had and it was a pretty decent turnout with giveaways, free cupcakes, 50% off everything in the store and an alligator. Yep, a real one. Why? I have no idea but it was cool.
Because it was RS Day and seeing people come out and celebrate the spirit of independent record stores made me all nostalgic and because sometimes music really does feel like its losing some soul, I did what any kid who grew up in the 90s would do. I popped in Empire Records and reminisced.
Empire Records is one of those movies I have to defend to people until they actually watch it. After that, they’re pretty much sold. Sure it’s not Ridley Scott material but it has a great soundtrack and it’s the poster child of 90s films. In my opinion, it was the best teen film to come out during that time. It speaks to the generation that remembers Liv Tyler as the girl from Aerosmith’s Crazy video, Renee Zellweger pre- Jerry Maguire; the people who remember life before Virgin Megastores, Best Buys and Itunes, the people who know the phrase “damn the man, save the empire” has absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars.
I miss those days…
* photo courtesy of dreammagic.com